Key demographic trends (2012)

Further to the just conducted census, the report is aiming to present the demographic tendencies over the years in a visual and comprehensive manner. It puts an accent over major […]

e-Commerce basics (2017)

Reflection is enlightening the history of internet consumption and e-shopping roots. Graphs reveal the consumption dynamics through well-known facts (public statistical records) and less known insights (coming from national researches). […]

Sofia capital in facts & figures (2014)

An extended landscape of demographic trends, economy and culture. Significant part of the report is dedicated to income and work – n of working hours (paid & non-paid), second job, […]

Bulgarian consumer compass (2009)

The reports presents a generic segmentation of the population 15+, based on national representative study (N=1500). It is launched in 2008, after a preliminary quant with over 130 value & […]