the shopping experience

The shopping experience across aisles of categories, brands, store layouts, shelf organization, packaging, and other in-store influences often changes consumer’s plans. Consumer insights differ from shopper insights by lens and context. They are more than just brand insights.

We prefer the term “shopper research” over “shopper insights” because “research” is a more inclusive term. We focus on shopper missions and occasions, and techniques that allow us to be in the shopper mind before, during, and after a shopping experience.

Main Business Questions

What is really happening in-store?
How the influences and factors within the retail environment impact our brand purchase?
How can I organize my aisle and shelf to generate the most sales?
How major shopper segments can be exploited?
What underlying motives are driving different patterns of consumer shopping behavior?
How the underlying motives vary across different types of retail outlets?
How do sales of one item affect sales of other items?

Our Research Solutions

  • Qual. Shopping research, in our opinion, almost always includes a healthy dose of qualitative exploration (depth interviews, focus groups, shop-trip, and ethnography).
  • Simulated shopping experience
  • Observation of behavior and asking questions as the shopping trip unfolds
  • Mobile shopper diary